The Nature Club is the Cordillera Ranch social club for men and women interested in nature. Its purpose is education and service with goals to:
• Be a source of education on nature topics
Develop an appreciation for our surroundings
Enhance and conserve the natural beauty of our area
Welcome new neighbors to our community
Be an enjoyable environment for learning and service
The Nature Club meets on the second Tuesday from September to December and February to May. A short presentation is made at each meeting by an expert, preceded by a fellowship time with light snacks and drinks. We utilize nature experts from local universities, Texas Parks & Wildlife, Cibolo Nature Center & Farm, etc… who bring a wealth of knowledge about select topics. These presentations are condensed into interesting introductions to natural subjects that help us understand the land we live on and the other creatures that share the Texas Hill Country with us. Example topics from past meetings are honey bees, astronomy, monarch butterflies, oak wilt, caves, deer, humming birds, hill country geology, local archeology, water conservation, native grasses, Texas Parks, aquifers, etc…
During the year we organize field trips to interesting destinations where conservation efforts, natural wonders or learning opportunities for our members. Members occasionally work as a club on projects for nature related non-profits.
Cordillera Ranch property owners are welcome to attend and join the Nature Club meetings. Yearly dues are $20 per couple or single. Dues and raffle income are used for donations, usually to two or three local organizations, speaker honorariums and club expenses. (Cibolo Nature Center & Farm, Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department and Friends of Guadalupe River State Park and Honey Creek State Natural Area are example recipients)